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Career Guidance Professional serving Ireland North west. In Depth Career Planning, Counselling, Guidance and Psychometric Testing.

Careers Guidance Information for Parents

As Parents we all want what’s best for our children. We want them to make the best possible decisions in life, education course and career choice. If you feel that your child could do with some direction and more understanding of the choices they face and the consequences of these choices then maybe they just need an objective opinion.

Information for Students

Quite often the decision’s we make in secondary school help shape what future courses and jobs we go on to do. After the Junior Cert we must decide on what subjects we take for leaving cert. Picking these subjects requires an understanding of enrty requirements for 3rd level courses.

Information for Graduates can offer an independent un-biased audit of your skills and experiences. This can give you a clearer picture of what your skills are and if there are any gaps that need to be addressed.

Aptitude and Psychometric Testing

Aptitude and Psychometric testing can help enhance your understanding of the interests and talent’s you have. Knowing your career interest, understanding where your abilities lie and then discussing you and your options can be one of the most comprehensive means of guiding you towards your Dream Job.


Different people require different levels of assistance. The prices I charge are very much reflective of the tough financial times we live in. My aim is to provide you with the Professional assistance you need at a price you can afford.

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