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Wain Morehead Architects Ltd is a dynamic medium sized practice based in Cork with a diverse and innovative design approach, embracing sustainable design and alternative forms of construction since their foundation in 1995.


The practice provides expertise in the Architectural, Passive House Design, Conservation, Interior Design, Urban Planning, Project Management, Building Physics and Climate Data Generation for building simulation.


WMA are registered by SEAI as a BER Assessor Company for new and existing dwellings and non domestic buildings.


We can provide a no-obligation 30 minutes consultation to discuss your project.

Energy Efficient Design

The incorporation of cellars, passive clothes drying towers and summer cooling are all contributors to energy reduction and to occupancy well being, are cost effective and add a practical dimension to the enjoyment of the buildings. The integration of landscape features for shade and shelter, reflections and cooling such as that from attenuation ponds, all contribute to the overall ecological balance. This unique balance certainly enhances the comfort and general enjoyment of a WMA designed building.

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