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The Elmtree Clinic offers a wide spectrum of integrative and complementary treatments and therapies, under the direction of Ian Claxton and his team.

The Clinic receives patients with a variety of conditions, ranging from those with life threatening conditions to those who are interested in looking after their health in a complementary way.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has issused a recommended provisiobal list of diseases amenable to acupuncture treatment. Below is a small list of conditions which we commonly treat by acupuncture & Moxibustion in the west. This list is not definitive as there are many more. 

The Elmtree Clinic for Integrative Medicine - Fertility Enhancement Program

The essence of our programs is to take a closer look at your body from a holistic perspective and correct any and all imbalances that may be contributing to your Gynaecological or Fertility problems. It is our strong belief that all women and men should strive for optimal health when planning to begin a family. The reproductive system works much like a concert symphony - a masterpiece is created only if all the players are giving their best.

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