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Unit 20, Glenrock Business Park, Ballybane, Co. Galway.

Smart Search finds the best deals for you from Galway and Dublin. Our deals are exclusive so you wont find them anywhere.

Risk Free Marketing

Attract sales without the risk. With there is no need to gamble with expensive advertising campaigns that may not pay. It costs you absolutely nothing to partner with us and create a deal to market your business to our large target market.

Promote your Business is a great new way for your business to sell your products and services to a new audience. Working with local businesses, presents massive money saving deals to our loyal subscribers by email and social network sites everyday.

New Loyal Customers

With a database of over 50,000 and growing, our loyal subscribers receive frequent newsletters notifying them of new deals. we also like to promote our deals on popular social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

Boost your Brand works closely with you every step of the way. We can help you build your brand and extend your loyal customer base by reaching a broader audience. Make your offer viral with, the direct way to your customers.

You Win...We Win!

There is no advertising or marketing costs to work with We succeed only if you succeed, thats what makes us so different to traditional advertising methods. We make money by charging you a percentage referral fee for every voucher sold and pay you once the deal is complete. No Risk, only rewards!

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