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Septan is a professional, environmentally conscious, fully licensed waste removal company specialising in the clearance of septic tanks, cess pits, pump chambers, gullies, grease traps & flood water from construction & domestic sites all over Clare county area.

The Role of Septic Tanks

Onsite wastewater treatment (septic) systems normally include two parts: a septic tank, the first component of the system, followed by a secondary wastewater treatment component, such as a soil absorption leachfield. The septic tank acts as a settling chamber that allows wastewater to separate naturally into three distinct layers before liquid flows out of the tank. First, solid particles settle to the bottom of the tank to form a layer of sludge, where some of it is digested by anaerobic bacteria. Second, greases and fats float to the top of the wastewater in the tank and form a second layer, or scum layer. Third, a clearer layer of liquid wastewater develops in the middle--between the sludge layer at the bottom and the scum layer at the top of the wastewater in the tank.

The Need for Regular Tank Cleaning

To help ensure the proper maintenance and long term functioning of the entire onsite septic system, the septic tank should be cleaned out every three to five years, given normal household water usage. Pumping the tank helps prevent sludge and scum from flowing out of the septic tank and into the secondary treatment system. Proper tank cleaning refers only to removing all the solids and scum from the tank by pumping, not by any other means. Adding septic tank "additives" to the system is not a proper substitute for tank pumping and may actually harm the system if it causes solids to become suspended and flow into the secondary treatment component of the system.

Licensure of Tank Cleaners

Authoreties require septic tanks to be pumped out only by a licensed "commercial septic tank cleaner", a person or firm licensed by authorities to clean septic tanks. Septan was one of the first companies in County Clare to get appropriete license!

Standards for Disposal of Septage

Disposal of wastes (septage) from private waste facilities (septic tanks) shall be carried out in accordance with the local law requirements.


The county boards of health are responsible for enforcing the standards and licensing requirements contained in the law and other referenced rules relating to the cleaning of private waste facilities and disposal of waste from such facilities.

Recordkeeping Requirements

Commercial septic tank cleaners are required to maintain records of private waste facilities cleaned and the location and method of waste disposal. Such records shall be maintained for a period of three years, and shall be made readily available upon request to county board of health or department officials.

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