is a technology Services Company specialising in sales & marketing automation systems based in Wicklow town. With the advent of cloud computing harnesses the power of the internet to make mobile computing a reality for small and medium sized business across Ireland and the UK. Using CRM sales, marketing & customer service our customers can manage their sales pipeline in a more efficient and cost effective manner while increasing their sales exponentially.
Through an innovative pricing structure, our customers see the benefit of automating their sales, marketing and customer service before they actually pay for it. This allows them to fund these activities out of cash flow. A very important benefit in todays challenging environment. Increased new customer acquisition tied with increased revenue from current customers is the key to not only surviving but actually growing their business while their competitors are seeing diminishing revenues, margins and customers.
World class business systems is a Technology Services company specialising in enterprise software systems based in Wicklow. We provide turnkey solutions through EFACS, our flagship Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) offering, Profitsflow CRM, enabling business via Customer Relationship Management Eagle Field Service, streamlining information flow to outside sales and field service teams.