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Snoring, although typically looked on as a something to be joked about, may be intensely embarrassing for the snorer and intensely annoying for His/Her partner. For those with a sleep partner as many as 60% of couples involving a couple will sleep in separate rooms at least occasionally and often routinely. Snoring can be very effectively controlled with a correctly made oral appliance resembling an orthodontic retainer.

Snoring is often mistakenly thought to be a condition that affects only overweight middle aged and older men. Although this group are certainly more likely to suffer from snoring it may also affect those who do not fit any of these categories and in some is a result of the individual make-up of the airway with the result that it often may affect young and normal weight individuals.

Men are more likely to suffer from snoring than women at least before women reach menopause when their prevalence of snoring increases to near the same levels as in men. The prevalence in adult males varies between 15-65% largely dependent on age and excessive weight.

Lunch-times sleeping in the car

James a 32 year old Male had been diagnosed with very severe sleep apnoea and had been unable to tolerate his C-PAP device, despite knowing that this was likely to be hugely successful in dealing with his problems. He was a loud snorer and confessed to being constantly exhausted with no energy. His first thought on reaching his office in the morning was to look at his schedule to see where he might be able to have a quick nap. Meetings were a nightmare as he struggled to concentrate and stay awake with non-stop coffee drinking. His lunch hour was spent sleeping in his car.

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