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WordPress Web Design, eCommerce Development & Inbound Marketing Agency. Our goal is to build beautiful, effective websites that produce results for our clients.

Web Design Strategy

A clear understanding of the types of people that the website is going to be targeting, where traffic is going to come from, what is important to the company’s customers, what type of content will be published, how will it be published, is content distribution necessary and how and where will the data be structured are all questions that should be understood prior to beginning our build.

eCommerce Web Design

We use a tried and tested methodology to get a clear picture of what our client’s need and their vision in relation to their proposed online store. What is possible is only restricted by imagination and budget and we love projects that have big ambitions, and complex user interface requirements, just as much as we love shorter, less complex projects.

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing should be more important to you and your company than the graphics and colours on your website, and yet companies every day obsess over the colours and functionality of their websites, and blow all of their budgets on design that does not help them win more business. Effective, results producing and solid foundational digital marketing are things we try to pull into every thing we do here at Lime Canvas. We believe that a company’s website should be an Investment in their business, upon which they should receive a Return On Investment. Digital Marketing is how that is achieved.

Hosting and Superior Support

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