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Welcome to Green House....
Green house was established in 1993 in Ikast in Denmark...
At Green house we want to be different from other clothing companies..we wont to make shopping enjoyable and fun..Takes the hassle out of shopping...
The Green House collection's run from size 8 to 22...

Green House Party's

Enjoy a fun get together with your friends by shopping in the comfort of your own surroundings...
You choose the time and the place invite the guests (approx between 8 and 12) and I will take care of the rest...
It's up to you whether or not you provide hors d'oeurves or refreshments....Tea and coffee is perfectly fine..I leave that bit up to you..
Not only will you have a great time to remember but as hostess you earn a percentage of the sales that evening/morning in clothes... Or call for private consultation at time that suits you...

Is there a hard sell ?
Absolutely not the clothes sells itself and its up to you if you wont to make a purchase...
I accept all major forms of payments-cash,laser,visa/master card or cheques.
To book a green house party email me at or call 0862339670 to arrange a time a date for your party!
Look forward to hearing from you.

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