The proprietor, Michael Garry, has thirteen years experience in the tree care industry, both at an academic and practical level.
In 1999 he successfully completed a three year Diploma in Arboriculture from Myerscough college in Preston England, which is known as a centre of excellence for arboriculture.
The second year of this diploma was a year spent in the industry, where Michael worked in Italy for Fito-Consult under the expert guise of Dr. Danielle Zanzi.
Upon completion of the diploma, Michael went on to further his studies in arboriculture and successfully graduated from the University of Aberdeen with a BSc in Arboriculture and Amenity Forestry.
After successfully graduating, Michael went on to work as a consulting arborist for a prominent Arboricultual consulting company in Toronto, Canada. During his time in Canada he went on to become an International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist.