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106 nutgrove ave Rathfarnham

acupuncturist, allergy testing, nutritional adviser, stress management consultant, needle free acupuncture. We treat many conditions including, fertility issues, menopause, stop smoking, allergies, IBS, candida, aches and pains, migrane, asthma, digestive problems, fatigue, stress etc.


Acupuncture first developed during the Chou dynasty (1030 BC to 221 BC) of Chinese history, as a system of therapy involving the needling of precise points on the body derived from the philosophical concepts of humanity and its relationship to the natural environment. The Warring States period (480 BC to 221 BC) of the Chou dynasty was particularly important for the incorporation of two major philosophical ideologies into the mainstream of Chinese thought, Confucianism and Daoism. One of the main beliefs of Confucianism was the sacrosanct completeness of the human body. The Dao of Daoism literally means the ‘Way’ to an integrated harmony of human beings with the forces of the natural world. The cyclic rhythm of these forces naturally balance and complement each other to create an environment favourable to life. The traditional concepts of Chinese medicine derived from Daoism maintain the necessity for regulation of each person’s essential bodily processes to accord with the need for natural harmony.

Allergy Testing

An allergy is sensitivity to a substance which usually does not cause any harm. The immune system views the allergen as if it was a dangerous infection releasing a surge of histamine. This can cause an array of symptoms some mild while others can be severe and last for periods of time. Eg. inflammation, irritation, fluid retention, itching, fatigue, digestive upset, pain, flu like symptoms, weight loss/gain , mood swings, Premenstrual Syndrome, hormonal imbalance, Candida, nutritional deficiencies, toxic overload, organ imbalances, disruption in ph balance and insomnia.

Acupuncture Treatments

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine have been around for over 3,000 years. It has been proven to help in the treatment of many conditions. It is also extremely useful as a treatment of preventative medicine. At our clinics we take a holistic approach to all conditions and patients.

Fertility Treatment

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can increase the chances of becoming pregnant. It can be useful for individuals or couples who hope for a natural conception or for those who are undergoing Assisted Reproduction Technology (ie; IVF, IUI, etc.,). Recent research has shown that having acupuncture treatment in conjunction with ART increases women’s chances of becoming pregnant. It is important to realise acupuncture can be of benefit to males to enhance fertility as it can help improve the quality and motility of the sperm. For best results acupuncture should begin at least 3 months prior to ART procedure.

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